Wednesday, August 24, 2005
what's goin down
So.... I feel its been awhile since I've posted anything actually worth it. Ive just been really busy lately and I hate it. If the prayer room wasnt this past week I think I wouldve gone insane by now with having no time for anything... but the prayer room has provided that quiet time required to keep me from absolutely losing it this week. I started my first regular schedule of classes today.... Acts of the Apostles, Bible Lands and Lifeways (Bond girls- i dont have Mark Zeise... i was bummed :) who am i gonna share my snickers with now?) Public speaking, and tomorrow I have english. So today i heard a few times how youre never supposed to take acts and bible lands in the same semester. Oh poop... oh well im not gonna drop or change anything now. I'll get through it. I'm sure I'll break down a few times throughout the semester (its to be expected) but it'll be fine.... all things must come to an end, right? An end which is 3-4 months away...sigh..... Ive barely started and I'm already dreading. Today was just somewhat---no, highly overwhelming. I hate how almost all professors start off by going through the entire syllabus... it makes me feel really anxious and stressed out bc of all the assignments, projects and tests that are to come... I'd rather skip all taht nonsense and just start the class and find out all that later when its completely necessary. What else is going on?...... well I've really enjoyed the prayer room this week. I can be entirely stressed or worried about somethign and walk into that room and feel the spirit overcome me with this peace that is just so great and unexplainable. I go through stages that I feel... i always want to say "a burden" for certain people... but its not a burden... its just compassion..? and empathy i guess. I go through stages with certain people. So some have been on my mind a lot lately, its like i see their needs and passions and hurt with them when they dont succeed at things theyve tried so hard on, it gets tiring sometimes to think like that. I try not to- its just in my nature, i guess, to sense thigns like that about people and get emotionally involved for them (or with them, without them really knowing it i guess) I'm at katies right now and its like 1130 and there are people standing right outside the window i am next to having really loud conversation about bars in new york and getting wasted or something. They sound pretty trashed as it is...I'm glad im not trying to sleep bc id be a lot more irritated. Poor katie... i hope she is heavily asleep by people on my mind...praying alot for them lately..oh right, things on my mind.. my cousin is getting married in november and i am the maid of honor so i really need to get on this shower planning thing. I honestly dont want this responsibility of planning this shower... she has a whole lot of fam on her other side, I can see my life getting progressively busier from now on... maybe I am just being selfish. But Im also not totally excited bc I'm not so fond of her situation. Her fiance is cool and everything (no one else in my extended fam likes him- they dont think hes right for her) but he lives in florida and as soon as they marry they are moving there (she lives in northern ohio) its a long distance relationship and they havent even had the experience of living remotely close to see if they will get sick of eachother or anythign. I just dont see how this is a fairytale... all i can see is her moving there, missing her mom, missing her friends, missing how much fiance made over her before they were married, and just feeling so alone bc she is in florida- so far away from everyone and everything she knows!! But maybe he wont stop all the good things he's been doing for her. And it IS florida... the beach?! Heck yes! IN conclusion, its a little hard for me to plan thigns for the weddign when I'm not totally into the correct mindset of her even getting married right now (she'll be 19 in november). I have been praying about this, though.. that thier relationship before marriage wont be solely based on the physical aspect, and that God would speak to both of them about whether this is right or not... please pray with me about all this! The wedding is november 19. Alright.. if i have any else to blab i'll let you know.... goodnight my lovelies!
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