Hola Amigos!!
I am a slacker... but so are you.. except for cindy.. she is always on the ball. :)
Well.. update from last post we didnt make it to new orleans yet again. A lot of things happened... along with some weird feeelings on my end that we shouldnt be going anyway.. so in the end I know that we really werent supposed to go that week. And although I was bummed about it.. i had a strange peace about being here last week (a certain someone helped that also). I guess aside from the fact that ash and kyoung didnt get to go.. the worst part about it for me was that I felt part of my summer had been wasted on planning this trip. Toward the beginning of the summer God blatantly told me "Don't go through life with your eyes closed." I didnt understand it at first... then i realized it to be that when I focus so hard on something in the future I lose focus of what I should be thinking about today. Its frustrating because I knew I was doing that even when I was. Ever since I got back from N.O in april I have been wanting and planning to go back... so much of my summer was spent thinking about how that will happen. My "eyes were closed" to exciting things that were happening around me. And its like he told me to slow down and I didnt... then we didnt go so its like that part of my summer was kinda wasted.
Anyway... what is life without sucky lessons, right? Learn from things and move on.
In other news... This wednesday I have a riverboat cruise thing with new students from school.. and I have orientation on Thurs and Fri. I'm not actually dreading it like I thought. I'm attempting to get used to the idea of having no life :) School then starts next mon (the 20th).
So here is my schedule bc I know you all are DYING to know...but I know will prob ask me again..
Mon: 10-8 (break from 12-3.. wanna have lunch anyone??)
Tues: 7-1:30
Wed: 12-1:20 (Thank God for short days)
Thurs: 1-4:20
Fri: 12-4
Then I have a one weekend a month class (fri/sat) for 3 months.
It is a much heavier load than i have taken previously..with much harder classes. But I can do it!! Right?!! right... i need to continue to talk myself into this :)
AND>> I got my official phone call yesterday taht I am being offered a job at childrens hospital!! Bc of not being able to attend orientation due to school schedules..i wont be starting until the end of sept.. which is actually good because I was nervous about starting school and a new job at the same time.. so at least I will be semi-used to my school schedule by then. I am being offered a "stand-by" position.. which means I just have to get in 36 hrs every 6 weeks. I can pick up more shifts if I want too. Its good bc it will be very flexible with my school schedule.. i can sort of pick my own hours. The downside is that they will prob be calling me in a lot and I will prob have to say no most of the time.. which won't look very good. But oh well.. I'll deal with that when I have to.
I love you all dearly.
The Rest of Reckoning – Part 2
1 week ago