Tuesday, August 29, 2006

beating hearts baby

ok its official... I'm addicted to Grey's Anatomy. I actually was in love with it the first time i saw it but never could catch it when it was on... but now I have the first season and cant stop watching.
I have a few invites for you all... Thursday my friend Justin (he plays guitar and sings) is playing at Liberty Heights church. Should be good..if you wanna join me..
ALSO>>> Sunday my parents are having this cookout after church and also games and such for the kids to play. I told them I'd come and help with the kids..anyone else interested? They are all such great kids and i want to keep them all. Its hard because I've been on my parents about leaving because I know they are not happy there, but at the same time I know they love those kids, and feel like they would be abandoning them if they left. Pray for this situation. I still have this urge in my heart for mikayla. It makes me sad to think about her and what obsticles she's going to have to overcome as she gets older. If she even makes it that long. (if you have no idea who I'm talking about go back to the post about the zoo).
I've really been thinking about this whole career thing... and I really do think I wanna be a baby nurse... in neonatal care. That's probably gonna change eventually.. but for now it sounds good to me. And about the whole current job situation..I'm gonna stay where I am. I am thinking he is going to retire within the next year or so (hopefully) and there will probably be some sort of lump sum attached to that for each of us employees...so I'm sort of trying to hold out until then. But it is a good paying job and flexible..I am just feeling the need to move on. But I cant really do that until i get another job. So I was thinking that after I take this nurses aid training this term I should apply to one of the hospitals for a job. I know I'll have a better chance of getting a job if i wait and take the training first.
Some may say I'm spoiled because I dont pay my car insurance or phone bill (I hesitate even saying that..knowing again I show my age by not having many responsibilities). I told my mom today I would start paying those just so I can start getting ready for..life..for later when I have lots of other bills to pay. She basically told me to shut up and just use this time to save. I feel like I should have a lot more money saved up considering my living situation and such. But then again I do have a 2-day-a-week job. I did apply somewhere else but have heard nothing thus far.

This year I've really learned how important it is to have community. Or to live in community with others. I love it. And its hard to for me to understand how some people..like my sister..do it..who dont really have community outside of the immediate family . SHe just works too much at this job I know she should quit...while going to school full time and also living with my parents and attending to her husband. Its gotta be hard. Most of her friends that she still talks to (most of them on occasion) are shallow and self-centered. I try to be there for her...to listen when she vents...and have fun when we have time...but i know she needs more..she needs others...she needs more community. I dont even know why I went in to this right now.... except that she needs to be in my prayers more..and I ask that she be in yours also.

come back chrissi alice. i miss you. i love you love you.
blue ice cream is available for a few more weekends!

kati: did you ever see devon anymore? man I'm gonna miss that kid...

beating heart baby :)

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

my favorite little man...

This is Austin. He is my favorite kid ever. Look at those adorable ears!

I think I mentioned in a previous post that we went to the zoo last Thursday. Robby was our photographer (what a shocker!) At one point my grandma asked if he worked and took pictures for the zoo... she didnt know he came with us. Gotta love her...
So anyway... thanks to Robby we have all these great pictures! So if you'd like to get in on some of the fun I will add a link to Robby's flickr site so you can view the pics. (I hope you don't mind Robby!)
The link is under "links" (titled Robby's flickr pics) to the right of this page.

Love you all.

Friday, August 18, 2006

we never saw the elephants

So I've been wanting to take the kids from my mom's church to the zoo for awhile... just something fun for them to do.. and today we finally went. It was about 15 or so kids, and around 10 adults? It was good. Thanks again to scotty, robby and ashley who came.. and lindsay... it would have been harder without them there to watch over some. I was worried about today, actually, becuase something always goes wrong.. like a tire goes out, or someone gets sick/hurt.. something like that. But everything went well and I think all the kids enjoyed it.. even my favorite little ones..
I've told a few of you about my favorite little girl Mikayla... she is 3 years old and has spinal bifida. She wasnt ever supposed to walk but she does.. she wears braces on her legs and she walks almost as well as any other 3 year old (with double the determination). I love her. She is the cutest little girl I've ever met. Her homelife isn't very good- very unstable, and they dont always respnd immediately to her disabled needs. It tears me up because I dont understand how her family doesnt look at her everyday and see how much of a blessing she is. Maybe they just see her as a waste of money (on medical bills) and... well i dont even know waht they think... but i see her little smiling face, as she's wobbling around on her braced legs..and just think of what a little miracle she is. I want her so badly. My mom and grandma have both said that if she was ever taken out of her house, or the option was ever put out there to adopt her, they would both fight for her. She deserves so much more love and care than she's getting. I'm not doubting her parent's love for her... but i am doubting their concern and care for her needs. Her dad didn't even want to take her to the hospital last weeek when she had a temperature of 104. He told my grandma something like, "I'm not just gonna go take her to the doctor every time something is wrong with her". um.. why not? she is your daughter and needs you! She's 3..she cant survive this on her own. Its been said that she's not supposed to live very long. I cant even imagine... My heart breaks for her.

so anyway.. we had fun at the zoo. I got to hang out with all my favorite kids.. and everyone had fun, no one was injured.

please pray for mikayla and family. I'm never sure how to exactly pray for these situations... that she gets taken from her home and we get her? or that her family sobers up and realizes what an angel they have.. and the needs she has.

Monday, August 14, 2006

my amusement for today

Whats uP? I haven't told a story in awhile so I decided to share my day. It was lame but there were a few comic reliefs involved. So this morning I left nerdwood at 640 and got inside school around 7. When I arrived at the door of the office i was supposed to be at I noticed there were 4 other girls waiting also. (I was warned there would be a line already formed at the door). We were all told to be there at 7, though we weren't allowed in until 730. So that was great. Finally 730 came around and we all went in to get some papers signed to get into the nurses aid training, followed by "now you must go downstairs and register". Okay.... I thought we were already waiting in line to be registered, but whatever.... so after signed papers i eventually found my way downstairs to stand in another line to get registered for this class. It was around 730 and of course this office wouldn't open until 8. So we waited...once again. And the doors opened.. and we waited as we were helped one by one. (I was about 6th in line). The actual registering took about 2.5 minutes so I pretty much had a bunch of time to waste before my 930 appt. with my advisor.
(Fast forwarding...)
Here I am waiting for my appointment and I recognize this guy (of short stature) that works at the urgent care I went to in West Chester. He was waiting with a friend that was trying to decide on his classes. So I was talking to them both about classes, majors, where they live, jobs, etc. Just casual conversation. His friend was like brazillian or something and I can't deny my eyes were occasionally fixed on his pretty face...I mean what..? I mean he was..his friend's name was adam or something and this kid's name was..well i really dont remember. I was too busy listening to the brazillian guy's accent. Ok so anyway... we are all talking..and waiting. Then all the sudden the short urgent care guy is like "can you help me with something?" and he hands me his razor cell phone (I hate razor cell phones, by the way. No offense if you have one or like it, but I think they're oogly). And my name is entered and he wants me to type in my number. So this creates somewhat of an awkward moment because here we are all just chillin and talking and he has to ruin it for asking for my number. Ok so right when he hands me the phone my advisor comes out and says "Sarah?" So I quickly give back the phone without entering my digits and said something lame like "well I'll probably see you around soon". SAVED BY THE ADVISOR. I knew they were good for something. Now I'm kinda creeped out by him. Yes its only a phone number but those who know me know you have to be subtle about these things or I get scared and run from you. And I have this fear he's like gonna look up my number at the urgent care place (since he works there, and therefore has access). Maybe I really do need to be dating someone so I can get out of situations like that without actually lying about why I'm not gonna give them my number. The creepy kid actually asked me (sort of joking..sort of) when I got up to go to my meeting if I wanted him to wait for me... I gave him a courtesy smile and walked on...probably rolling my eyes after passing him by.
So I'm at work later and so tired. So on my lunchbreak I get a starbucks caramel macchiato. I was a complete coffee freak last year during school, but I really havent drank much this summer. And I dont drink soda so needless to say my insides arent used to caffeine anymore. I drank my starbucks in about 10 minutes and my head was so A.D.D. for like 5 hours. My heart was racing and I couldnt focus. It was weird because I was so tired and felt like i was moving in slow motion, yet my brain was trying to move on double time. At one point i was supposed to tack on this bracket on this other thing for my mom and within like 10 seconds i was so frusterated and told her i couldnt do it anymore. It was weird to have this caffeine high. I used to claim caffeine had no effect on me. Well I lie.

Thats all. I'm sorry I didnt sarcasm it up like was possible... I was somewhat lacking inspiration.

love yous.