This long weekend has been great. I went into the 24- God conference thinking about how we were gonna fit so many people into our small (but precious) church and basically not thinking it would be that different from last year's in Campbellsville. Those of you that were there know that it was OH so different. It had the potential to be disappointing because only a few of our kids showed up and like 5 kids from KY. But something wasnt letting my spirit fall- I knew thats how many people were supposed to be there and that it didnt matter about numbers anyway. I was just syked because a friend that has been having some problems was there because her mom made her come. But I wasnt about to let her be in a bad mood or not have fun- I think she had fun- I tried. I feel like God was working in her heart while we were there. I prayed with her one night and we both cried- her family is going through some rough times. I'm just afraid that she isnt fully accepting the change she knows she needs to do- that she maybe doesnt realize how real God truly is and how much he cares for her and loves her unconditionally. I just hope she really got something out of this weekend. I did.
I learned I have a passion for people...and compassion for people. It hurts me sometimes to see their pain, but at the same time I am thankful that God has given me this gift to care for others.
Some may still look back on this conference thing and think of how many other people shouldve been there and maybe think it was a waste of time or something because we had so few of even our own kids there. But I saw God work and I konw that hearts were touched. His holy conviction was working through many- whether some made it obvious or not. I'm so thankful for having the opportunity to have gone and been touched by the unconditional lover of my heart. I will never get to where I want to be in my spiritual journey- I could never be close enough to the father. But I know that he loves me no matter how little I read his word or how prideful I may be at times, or even when I choose to think about the comfort of my future husband rather than the unconditional comfort, love, peace, and so much more, that my holy husband will forever provide me with.
I love my friends. They are so awesome. I am so incredibly blessed to have friends that care for me so much and that I care for. I pray that I never ever take any of them for granted.
I also have a great family that I dont always appreciate. Thank you Lord for my family!
I needed this weekend. It's been awhile.
The Rest of Reckoning – Part 2
1 week ago