Monday, March 13, 2006

beauty from pain

I was looking through a journal from a few months ago and came across something I had written when I was in the prayer room on Aug. 26, 2005. I wrote down what God was saying to me:

It is I. I will never leave you or forsake you. Have faith in me and I will guide you where I want you to be. Don't be afraid, for I am always with you. Stay with me and follow me all all times. When you need me I will pick you up and carry you. You are and will always be my child. Have faith, my daughter. I will never leave you or let you go from my grip. Listen to what I tell you. Do not be foolish. Stray from temptations. Remember that I will NEVER give you too much that you can't handle, or put you in a situation that you don't have a way to get out of. You know what to do. I have already told you. Stop being so stubborn and open yourself up to my words. Do not worry- it doesn't help anything in any way. TRUST ME. Pray and call out to me daily. I love you. When you feel alone -look beside you- I will be there holding your hand.
Do not cry, my child. I am here.

Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous; do not be terrified, do not be discouraged for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

That is a big thing for me to have written something like that. Becuase I'm not the greatest listener and don't often recieve (or hear) clear words from God. I wish that I could listen to that and believe and live by it. My hope has just shattered alot since then. I know He is there always..I can feel him. i just have this tendency to hold him at a distance at times in my life.

Don't hesitate to fill in your name where mine is.. He is speaking to you to. And I hope you are encouraged by His words.

After all this has passed
I still will remain
After I've cried my last
There'll be beauty from pain
Though it won't be today
Someday I'll hope again
and there'll be beauty from pain


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