Monday, November 14, 2005

lights will guide you home

So…. I have been genuine-blog absent for awhile. A lot has been going on. My grandparents from Colorado are in town. That’s been really good to see them. They used to live in the nasty ‘nat but havent been back for 6 years. We went to visit them 2 years ago in Denver.
God has such great timing. Although things have been quite busy around here this is like the most perfect time for them to be here…there has been a lot of negative things on my mind lately that have to do with…things… and with my adorable grandparents here I havent thought about this junk nearly as much as I probably would have if they weren’t here.

I’ll be 19 next month. Yes, this is apparently a reminder of how much older most of you are than me. SURPRISE!! I’m not really your age! I’ll be 19 and I still feel 16 in many ways. I think I always will. This has definitely been the most challenging year of my life..spiritually speaking. I’ve had a lot of questions…a lot of doubt… a freaking yacht load of cynicism (yes, more so than normal). And at times I would agree that “innocence is bliss”. But in the end, I guess all the not knowing and confusion pays off. Maybe I’m not to that “pay off” point yet, but I know its down the road there somewhere.
So my biggest question the past few days is ..what is YOUR definition of spiritual awakening? Those two words have been plaguing my mind for days. I don’t know what it is… oh wait,, yes I do.
One said they were thankful for the spiritual awakening that was upon us…as I am still waiting for it to happen. Is it happening and I’m neglecting to see it? Is it just in this person’s life and not mine at this moment in time?


That’s a scary thing. We are all made differently and we naturally have different perceptions of things. I’m so glad that God is a genius and knows what he’s doing. I wish I knew what was going on. But again, he knows what he’s doing and apparently feels it best not to let me in on the “whys” of things right now. I’ve been praying for peace and I think he’s giving it to me a little at a time.. Slowly.. But its coming.

This goes out to a faithful few...

"Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in him you have been enriched in every way--in all your speaking and in all your knowledge-- because our testimony about Christ was confirmed in you. Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful."
--1 Corinthians 1:4-9

love you buddy


Anonymous said...

We'll have to celebrate your birthday :)

As far all the questions, doubts, etc. I am learning that even though at some points it sucks in the end I end up closer to Christ and with people who are along for the ride with me.

As for the spiritual awakening part....glad to know someone else heard that. I was a bit confused and taken back. I consider the last few months for me a spiritual awakening but I didn't think it was viewed that way by most.

I would say based on previous chats with you and others that there is a spiritual awakening happening. I know that I have come to grips with truths that have eluded me before. I feel like I have woke up from a spiritual coma in many ways.

I have more thoughts on it but I don't want to leave a comment the size of a book. Hit me up later and we'll chat. :)

I love ya rock.

Kristin said...

spiritual awakening...i'm thinking that's when some spiritual aspect is revealed to you so that you understand God, i guess, in a whole new light, therefore being "woken" from a different point of view. i feel like i'm always sort of in a state of spiritual awakening, except the times that i'm not. (i'll explain later)

Anonymous said...

It sure is...but don't worry because its really going to work out this time. Everything is out and i n the open. Im happy, the happiest I have been in a long time. Dont tell no body lol. ok NO BODY ..thanks for always bein there. Love ya

Anonymous said...

I think the saying goes, "Ignorance is Bliss."


Thought provoking and profound, no?

Sagittarii (or is it Sagittariuses?) rock.