Saturday, December 08, 2007
Love you.. hope to see you all soon after.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Quick update....
I love my job. I dont love having to go into work (who does) but when I'm there, although it too is crazy, I really enjoy it. THe first few days of orientation were aweful because I just watched the clock all day and it took forever for it to end. But now that I'm out of orientation and able to do my own thing I'm usually running all over the place and it goes fairly quick without having much down time. The other day I had to work 3-11:30 and I didnt sit down to eat until 11! Thats not normal though. Most of my kids range btwn a couple days old- 8 years old. I like the babies... they are cute and can't fight back as agressively. For my part though I just take vitals (listen to their heart, breathing, take temp, blood pressure) and sometimes get weights/heights, feed, change, and get the family whatever they need. If the parents are in with them I usually dont have to feed or change them... just document what has gone in and out. It can get overwhelming sometimes, especially if i have like 6 kids to do vitals on every couple of hours, then admissions come and I have to help with that, kids leave and I clean the rooms, go get things for the families, help my nurse, remember to document everything, etc.....
But I love it. PRAISE THE LORD. I finally have a job that i love. Who knew it could happen.
In other news... I still miss my friends. I'm way behind on my lunch dates with people and I'm sorry but it doesnt look like i can catch up anytime soon. Reason being my grandparents from Colorado are in town and will be for the next month which is so great... i havent seen them in about 3 or 4 years. Its tricky planning things so that I'm not gone all the time.. or more than I already am with work and school. The good thing is that I dont work that much this month.. its good I wont be gone but bad I wont have the money.
So anyway... I hope you all are well.
Quote of the day (Tuesday): "I'd rather be peed in the face by a baby (which has been done) than crapped on through a colostomy bag"
Monday, October 22, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
I'm going to be a professional medical documentor!
Let me just take a breath...
WOW life has been busy. School is in full gear and we will be in our 7th week which is crazy!! In 2 weeks (the 8th week) I will be 1/8th of the way through nursing school! It has gone so fast but I dont feel like I've learned a whole lot yet. I've been in such a mode that I havent realized how busy i am. But last friday it all kinda hit me at once. I planned on friday being my "catch up" on all my work day. But I have learned that there really isnt such a thing. I can catch up on maybe a subject one day but cant just sit down and expect to catch up (definitly not get ahead) in all my classes in one day. There is just too much to do and I kinda freaked out on friday. It didnt help that I was stressing a little about having to get up early for work orientation the next day and I was also PMSing along with a few other issues. At least I can say I made it through 6 weeks without a breakdown :) I tried to prepare myself for the pressure and amt of work but I think by doing that I also denied it in my head that it would be this crazy. But I can handle it.. its not SO bad but I hate not being able to see my friends!! I barely see my own family and we live in the same house. I know that everyone is gonna get really sick of me saying I cant do things bc I have to study or work on stuff.. but just get ready to hear it bc its gonna happen. My dads already sick of it. SO AM I but its my life for the next 2 years and I'm trying to get used to that fact.
So yes I started work orientation for children's hospital last sat and i also have it tomorrow. I'm supposed to start working on Oct 20 or 21 i think. I have it written down somewhere... I'm excited but really nervous too. I'm finally gonna have a real job! I can hear the applause now... thanks everyone :) No really.. stop. As much as I'd like to say I'm 100% finished with the ortho job... yeah it kinda depends if they need me... mostly saturdays bc I've given up on going tuesdays(sorry kyoung...havent really told you yet) And I have to babysit tuesday nights anyway.
So thats been my life. Big change for me. I'm hoping we can all hangout sometime soon... i say that having no idea when that can happen right now but I would really love some girl time!! (guys... you can come another time :) sorry)
Love you all. miss you.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
life changes
I hope you all had a great weekend. I did!! Friday I got to go to the Bengals/Colts game.. .my first NFL game and it was so much fun. And they WON! Which was great and unexpected. Saturday was a planned study day but that didn’t happen… turned into a nice chill day though. Sunday a friend was baptized at church which was cool… I love vineyard baptism Sundays. After church went to my parents church for a picnic lunch they were all having. Then went with travis to a wedding. (some of you have met him, others just heard about.. will meet eventually : ) The wedding was in indianapolis at the zoo in the gardens… gorgeous day and beautiful wedding. The reception was at the colts stadium! Well actually it was in a building next to the practice field. SO cool! I’m still mad at myself for not getting any pics inside the reception hall. Then Monday I went to the waterpark with travis and got to eat BLUE ICE CREAM.. my first love…mmmm. And came back home later to eat with the fam. It really was a great weekend.
I miss you. I hate when life gets so busy nobody sees each other anymore. There is so much going on in everyone’s lives right now. Please know that I am praying for you. Specifically yous that have had specific doctor visits lately. And I know this is kinda a lame shout out on the blog thing but oh well.. youll get over it. I love you so much and hope you know that no matter how far away we all feel from eachother we really are just a phone call… or short car ride away.
I MISS YOU like tiger misses his claws.
I hope to see you very soon.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
excited for the future
I am a slacker... but so are you.. except for cindy.. she is always on the ball. :)
Well.. update from last post we didnt make it to new orleans yet again. A lot of things happened... along with some weird feeelings on my end that we shouldnt be going anyway.. so in the end I know that we really werent supposed to go that week. And although I was bummed about it.. i had a strange peace about being here last week (a certain someone helped that also). I guess aside from the fact that ash and kyoung didnt get to go.. the worst part about it for me was that I felt part of my summer had been wasted on planning this trip. Toward the beginning of the summer God blatantly told me "Don't go through life with your eyes closed." I didnt understand it at first... then i realized it to be that when I focus so hard on something in the future I lose focus of what I should be thinking about today. Its frustrating because I knew I was doing that even when I was. Ever since I got back from N.O in april I have been wanting and planning to go back... so much of my summer was spent thinking about how that will happen. My "eyes were closed" to exciting things that were happening around me. And its like he told me to slow down and I didnt... then we didnt go so its like that part of my summer was kinda wasted.
Anyway... what is life without sucky lessons, right? Learn from things and move on.
In other news... This wednesday I have a riverboat cruise thing with new students from school.. and I have orientation on Thurs and Fri. I'm not actually dreading it like I thought. I'm attempting to get used to the idea of having no life :) School then starts next mon (the 20th).
So here is my schedule bc I know you all are DYING to know...but I know will prob ask me again..
Mon: 10-8 (break from 12-3.. wanna have lunch anyone??)
Tues: 7-1:30
Wed: 12-1:20 (Thank God for short days)
Thurs: 1-4:20
Fri: 12-4
Then I have a one weekend a month class (fri/sat) for 3 months.
It is a much heavier load than i have taken previously..with much harder classes. But I can do it!! Right?!! right... i need to continue to talk myself into this :)
AND>> I got my official phone call yesterday taht I am being offered a job at childrens hospital!! Bc of not being able to attend orientation due to school schedules..i wont be starting until the end of sept.. which is actually good because I was nervous about starting school and a new job at the same time.. so at least I will be semi-used to my school schedule by then. I am being offered a "stand-by" position.. which means I just have to get in 36 hrs every 6 weeks. I can pick up more shifts if I want too. Its good bc it will be very flexible with my school schedule.. i can sort of pick my own hours. The downside is that they will prob be calling me in a lot and I will prob have to say no most of the time.. which won't look very good. But oh well.. I'll deal with that when I have to.
I love you all dearly.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
little angels
Birthday girl:
Gorgeous eyes!!
Laurel and Reagan:
HANNAH::My uncle Mark and Reagan
My uncle Mickey and Payton (no he is not lighting a cigar).
Shirley temple...I mean HANNAH
Little EMMA::
Crazy cousins... Tyler, Kelsey, Megan
I hope you enjoyed my family! THey are so precious!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
happiness in song form
We are leaving for New orleans on saturday (FINALLY!!) me, ash, kyoung, and neal. THere were supposed to be more but some backed out. HOnestly, it is disappointing. Its frustrating when you have a passion for something that others don't share. I mean it is understandable though. I didnt care about new orleans until I went. And my friends have passions about things that I dont care much about.. its just how things work. But still frustrating. Its just an amazing experience and I'm sad so many are missing out. But I'm actively learning that God is so in control of everything. So there is no need to worry. "He's got the whole world in His hands." And those people really arent necessarily "missing out". Maybe there is something else they are supposed to be learning next week where they are. I'm still praying for at least one more person to go though. We leave saturday morning, so slim chance, but I'm not God... and I dont know the future.
I've noticed just recently that I have gotten some joy back. A lot actually. I used to just sulk all the time (mostly unnoticed by others, I think). I don't have a whole lot to complain about... I am so blessed.
I have really been pushing myself to do simple things lately that I normally wouldnt do... or do things that arent "me". Or outside the comfort zone. Its not as tough as I thought... and it feels really good once I get passed it.
Comic relief of the day:: I had to get a drug test today for school. I was standing next to the lady who had to pour the "specimen" into another container and I was like "I bet you LOVE your job right now" and she kinda laughed then came back with "Well... its not as bad as what you will have to do..." (meaning in nursing school). It was funny but kind of caught me off guard :)
Quotes of the summer::
"Don't go through life with your eyes closed"
"I will help you speak and I will tell you what to say"
Fav song of the week: "1234" by Feist.
It makes me happy.
If I haven't seen you in awhile I MISS YOU. If I have... hope to see you again soon! For most of you that means after new orleans. We will return home saturday, aug 4.
I guess thats it. Peace out.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
everything happens for a reason..
My friend Dyah, who went on the trip in April, wrote about the trip in the 1835 (college/career group) newsletter to encourage people to come. I loved what she said about it and the facts she included so I want you all to read it as well. And again, please let me know of anyone interested. It is so worth it.
Being His Hands and Feet
My dear friends,
Jesus is inviting you to become His hands and feet to supply his people down in the neighborhoods of New Orleans with compassion. That's all you need to bring, in addition to the ability to smile with an open heart. I went with the last crew in April, and before we left the church, Neal prayed to open our hearts so that Jesus would tell us what He wanted us to be when we were there. Neal said not to come with expectation, because God might have other plans.
So, you might be a wheelbarrow, a greeter, a sausage opener, a hugger, a listener, a shoveler, a nail-plucker, a weed trimmer, a jambalaya stirrer, a coleslaw maker, a server. You might be only a dust among other people who had gone there with similar concern as you are. You might be a baseball player in a field not touched for 20 months.
You might be the precise, special person Jesus needs to bring love and compassion to the exact, special person who’s been hurting, to the much needed area that would take more time and energy and love to bring it back to life.
I wish numbers could turn into faces, for us to know this is life, not just some lame statistics, but here are the facts of what happened in New Orleans, 22 months after hurricane Katrina:
• Less than 1/2 of the city's pre-storm population of 460,000 has returned, putting the population at roughly what it was in 1880.
• Nearly 1/3 of the trash has yet to be picked up.
• 60% of homes still lack electricity.
• 17% of the buses are operational.
• 1/2 of the physicians have left, and there is a shortage of 1,000 nurses.
• 6 out of the 9 hospitals remain closed.
• 66% of public schools have reopened.
• A 40% hike in rental rates, disproportionately affecting black and low-income families.
• A 300% increase in the suicide rate.
I don't know whether I should laugh for my renewed spirit and compassion for the people of New Orleans or I should weep with them.
Please pray and ask God if He wants you to go and what He wants you to be. If He does want you to go, He'll give you a way.
Remember the saying that the love we receive only increases when we give away love? It's so true.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
summertime livin' ain't easy
So I went to Florida a couple weeks ago. Had a lot of fun and got a tan! And played tennis..and went to universal and islands of adventure parks..and went to cocoa beach.. and went to seaworld to see SHAMU.
And it rained.
So I've had 2 weeks back and now getting ready to go back to NewOrleans on saturday. We leaving at 8 am. Its kinda strange for me to be so passionate about something this long. Usually it wears off but I'm still in love with N.O. just as much as when I was there the first time. I just pray (and hope you guys will too) that everyone gets along well and works well together, and doesnt get hurt! And I also pray that everyone who goes down seeking to serve people will be blessed, and also those being served will also be blessd and feel so LOVED! I'm so frustrated right now that the devastations down there are not on the news anymore. Not many know how bad it still is. I think a lot more people would be down to help if they did know.
By the way... as of now I am still wanting to take another trip either the 1st or 2nd week of August (there are 3 others going so far). So PLEASE if you are (or know of anyone that is) at all interested let me know. It has really changed my life. No cost for food or housing once we get down there... we only have to pay our way there and back (which would be price of gas).
In other news... school is coming along. Last week I registered for classes and got fitted for my awesome uniform (awesome as in not awesome). It will be a little crazy adjusting to my schedule at first, but like anything else, I guess you get used to it.
I've started training K.young to take my place when i leave my job (which will be when i start school). My mom has tried talking me into staying a number of times but this is the plan and we are sticking to it. I'm still thinking about trying to get a hospital job during school, maybe just weekends or something, but we'll see.
The summer is going by so fast already!! I start school Aug 15 so that doesnt leave me a whole lot of time. But I have been off since april, so I guess its fair :)
Love you all. If you read this and I havent heard from you in awhile...please let me know you are still alive!!
oh more thing...
COME TO NEW ORLEANS WITH ME. It will change your life.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
ups and downs
Also pray for Scotty Huston's mom Sharon who has breast cancer and has been in the hospital for the last week but is coming home TODAY!!
I hope you all are doing well. I feel so out of touch with many of you. I'm sorry. I know a lot of it is my fault but also the phone rings both ways. But we need a girls night/or day out or dinner or something soon. And if you havent seen baby Olivia yet GO SEE HER!! She's gonna be big before we know it. I'm hoping she doesn't reach 6 feet tall by the time I get back from FL next week! She's gonna be freaking tall though, when she gets older. SHe has giant, but beautiful & precious, hands and feet. And kate said she's already in her 3 month clothes!! Shes only 4 weeks!! In conclusion... go see her. She's a little bundle of love (disguised by the occasional fussiness and baby gas).
*So sorry katie that I'm inviting everyone over to you house :)
Love you Livi!! (If you're reading :)
So I leave for FL tomorrow (friday) will be back next fri. Recent events have caused a slight "damper" in my excitement at the moment but I am still pretty excited to get out of here and go to universal and see all that.. and go swimming and spend lots of money... wait.. i hate spending money. So I'm not excited about that part. But hopefully it will be a good time. Sorry if I'm rubbing it in :)
By the way... still planning to go back to New Orleans... the last week in june with the vineyard group and maybe also the 1st or 2nd week in Aug with.. so far its just me, ash mason, kyoung, and scotty. If anyone else is interested please let me know. Or if you know of anyone that is. I really thnk it is a life-changing experience. It was for me anyway (obviously).
I love you all. Be good. I pray that God gives us all guilty consciences about things in our lives that shouldnt be there. The feeling sucks, but its all worth it because HE only wants the best for us, right?
Love you.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
So this fire inside me for New Orleans has not yet gone out... which for me must mean something because many of you know how I often do not follow through with ideas. I am impulsive at times, and unrealistic. But this one is not unrealistic.
The dates are not yet scheduled for my return there (and anyone else that wants to go!) and I am anxious to get those nailed down!! I was initially thinking of the 2nd week of June. And although that is being debated now (in my head) it is not out of the question thus far. But I think sometime in July may be better. There are rumors circulating that a group from VCC will go back the last week in June which I am totally in for also. But that wont stop me from going an additional week (or weeks..if I can be that blessed!)
So if anyone is remotely interested in going please let me konw! i would love for you to experience the preciousness that is new orleans. please help me pray for this triP!!: specifically the dates that I am supposed to go and who will be joining me. Also pray for this city. I know that things will get better down there...slowly.. but they will...there is hope.
If you want to check out Mercy Response..who organizes these things, go here...
BABY O (anna olivia) was born may 5th. (for any of you who arent her parents or have not been around me in the last few days or so:)
Im excited to see her grow and learn...and experience blue icecream from kings island with the special rainbow sprinkiles on top :)
oh there is so much to teach her. If only I knew how to teach babies sign language and we could get this communication thing going already.
I know that the date on this will probably be may 10th... so it will be a day off... but really its like midnight of the 9th right now. Lets not get technical.
i love you. don't forget to UPDATE often. i love reading about you.
the end.
Friday, May 04, 2007
bentley green
Thursday, April 26, 2007
This morning I had to babysit at like 8 then went to this medical center in lebanon to get a hepatitus shot (that I need for nursing school). Shots have never been a big deal to me... I don't really get nervous or whine that they really hurt.. its just no big thing.
[Switch scenes...]
Earlier that morning, while I was babysitting, my mom called to tell me my dad and daniel were taking my sister to the emergency room. She's had this bump that has turned into what a doctor said was a boil (which appearantly isnt true) but the meds the doc gave havent been working and basically shes been in a lot of pain, and its just been getting worse.
So she's in the emergency room.. and I'm going to get a hep shot...
[Back to me...]
I go in to fill out all the paperwork and finally get to the room. Before the shot, the nurse goes through the whole talk about "go to the doctor if you break out into hives, start vomiting, feel feverish or achey all over your body after getting this shot. It may be an allergic reaction. It rarely ever happens, but we still have to warn people."
I'm perfectly fine. Like I said, I dont really get nervous about this stuff. She gives the shot and yes it kind of stung going in, but whatever. She said my muscle would be sore for a day or so, and thats that.
So I stand up and my mom's talking to her about other shots I have to get for school and whatnot. I'm standing there...starting to feel a bit nauseated and thought about asking for some water or something or maybe even sit down but we were about to leave anyway so I'd be sitting in the car soon...
Next thing I know I'm in peaceful dream land. I'm for real dreaming and don't really remember what about but I think it was pleasant enough. Then I hear some people talking in the “real world” and wake up thinking "where am I... oh still at the dr... why am I still here?... I thought we left?... why am I sitting on the floor and why are all these ladies crouched around me freaking out?"
Its never good to wake up like that. So yes, I fainted. They got me to get up and sit down in a chair and i started to feel nauseated again.. they gave me some juice and about 30 seconds later it came right back up (sorry for that detail). Then I had to go in this room and lay on a table while a doctor checked me out.
I am fine... I think so anyway. They said i hit my head on the scale (which I woke up sitting on). So I have a bad bruised area right on my temple... it hurts to chew or yawn. And I have bruises on my elbows and left shoulder blade. But besides that I'm fine.
I've never passed out before... it was so strange...the nap was nice though :)
The funny thing is that my mom has wanted me to schedule this appt so that she could go with me and all I kept saying is "I don't need you to come with me" like a typical teenage daughter (which I'm technically not a teenager anymore but I tend to act like it). But now that this happened I'm so glad she was there...
And they think that maybe I passed out because I didn't eat very much breakfast.. or maybe it had something to do with nerves or something (which I thought wasn't an issue for me... God is taking down my pride apparently). And if its not that.. then I dont know... I guess we will see next time I go to get this shot again in 4 weeks. I dont think it was an allergic reaction though. But honestly nobody really knows for sure.
[back to the sister...]
So my mom's thinking its kinda crazy that I'm laying on this bed, having just passed out, and her other daughter is in the emergency room... UPDATE:: getting ready to have surgery. They decided that whatever this was on her needed to be drained and Lindsay was having like an anxiety attack so they had to sedate her to even touch it cuz it hurt so bad.... and she was apparently screaming the whole time... even when she was sedated and doesnt really remember it.
They drained it and probably got like a quart of water or so out of it…
[IN conclusion..]
Lindsay is home now and feeling a little better.. but may have to be off work and school for a week or so.
And as for me… I’m ok.. head hurts.. and hey.. now I have a slight fear of getting shots (surprise!). I have to get another hep shot in 4 weeks, and again 5 months after that. They said next time to remind them about this incident and they will lay me on a table before they give me the shot… in case I decide to, ya know, fall over again.
And that’s that.
I hope you all were safe today!
Love you.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
more n.o. fun
Monday, April 16, 2007
its a beautiful day
So yes, I'm back. Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts this week. They were appreciated.
We got home saturday around 6:30 but I haven't really wanted to talk to anybody yet. Been thinking about a lot and just needing a bit more of a break.
Its been a weird day. I went to bed around 9:30 last night from being so tired and woke at 6:30...45 min before my alarm went off. i love sleep. And barely ever get up before I have too. But I was having a freaky dream and woke up trying to get my mind off of it and ended up thinking about the next few months and how to get back to New Orleans, my new love. I haven't been able to quit thinking about it since we left. Actually, I think it was the 2nd day we were there, I decided that I was definitly going back. Well at the moment I wanted to live there. But we'll just pretend for now like its a short term thing.
This trip was amazing. I met a lot of great people who I now feel like I've known for years. There were 9 of us and I didnt know any of them.... and now I'm so glad that I really didnt know any body going. It was really good for me.
So New Orleans....
parts of it were sad because 20 months after hurricane Katrina, some parts of the devastated city haven't been touched yet.
And not very many people, especially up here, know about that because it doesn't make the news or anything anymore. So everyone just assumes that its back to normal, which is so far from the truth. Its just a mess. And the whole fema money thing is a joke. Nobody can afford to rebuild. Especially when they have to pay people to come gut their house first so that they can either start over from there or have it demolished. And many of the people that will do that cost $1 a sq. foot to gut a house.
The amazing thing is that there are organizations that take in volunteers to gut houses free of charge. So that's what our group did. IT was very hard work, but I loved every minute of it.
The first house we went to had not been touched in 2 years. So all of this lady's things were still there, such as furniture, clothes, all personal belongings. You don't realize how much "stuff" a person, or family, has until you have to drag it all out. There were roaches all over, and in some cases rats (we only saw a dead one), and black mold all the way up the walls.
But through all that the city is continuing to go through, I see so much hope there in people. We worked on an apartment duplex toward the end of the week and the homeowner came to see us working a couple of days and I just fell in love with her because of the joy you could see in her. And she was so incredibly appreciative of us being there. And that made it all so worth it.
So I've been thinking about a lot sense coming home. Getting back hasnt been too great, though. I miss it all so much. I definitly want to go back and I'm even thinking this summer would be great. I'm not sure if I'd go for a week or two, or even like 2 months. BUt I know i want to go. Its just hard planning with school and stuff. I start school at the christ hospital school of nursing in August, but I think i have some deadlines to deal with and getting things done and turned in during the summer... so that sort of makes me nervous about leaving. And also I started classes
back at cincy state where I am just taking anatomy 2 which should transfer. But yesterday I started thinking about not going to school this term. This term lasts the next 9 weeks. That takes us to June 18, I think. Which is kinda a chunk of the summer. Not taking it now would just mean that I would have to take it in AUgust (it is not a pre-req for the christ school). And it would be free then bc school is getting paid for if I agree to work with the hospital 3 years following graduation. Taking it at cincy state is $400. It would be nice to get it out of the way but there just seem to be so many more pros to waiting. And if I decided not to take it now, I could work for the next few months and save up money for if I do decide to go back to New Orleans for the summer. AAhhh.. so much still to think about. And I need to decide this week so I can get money back if I decide to drop my class. I'm still trying to work all this out in my head.
Anybody have any thoughts/insight/advice?
Its really gonna kill me though to be away from baby O if I end up going for the summer.
I was sitting in class today writing notes but my brain was on "auto-pilot". I have no idea what she really talked about today because all i was thinking about was all this.
I'm praying that God will give me some answers, at least about school, this week.
I uploaded the rest of my pics and you can view them here:
I took almost 200 but I wish I would have taken more. I didn't even get a group shot! BUt I know someone else did so I'll just steal it when they share.
I love you all.
I think its a new day for me. And it is beautiful.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Happy Easter charlie brown

(Reese and Reagan)
Hello all.
Happy Easter.
Its been a good day with the family. I love getting together with all the fam. Its fun. Especially with the little ones.

So tomorrow I am off to New Orleans. I'm anxious, nervous.. but mostly excited about what is to come. I'm sure my future self would be rolling eyes and saying "You have NO idea". But we'll see :)
Pray for us.. and the others... and the city. It isn't really on the news much anymore but there is still so much devastation down there.
I love you. See yall when I get home!
Saying of the day: "I WANNA EAT YOUR FACE!"

i love them.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
the letter..
I love you all.
"May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us."
Sunday, February 25, 2007
smell the rain, it is delicious
Well I know why I've been unhappy/disappointed/anxious/dissatisfied... I definitly havent been living to my full potential. I'm not really sure how to do that. And I'm not saying that my life will be perfect if I figure that out, but I think I will be able to experience real joy. I've also forgotten how to really love people.. aside from the ones I'm around all the time and love unconditionally already.
I can't deny I miss my previous church family. For some reason its been worse the past few weeks.. maybe bc i saw many of them last week. Change is hard. But I am moving on.. slowly.
Anyway, I love the Vineyard and their vision right now... the healing center, student center, and their vision to dig wells for clean water in Nigeria. That's just amazing to me. So many people talk about helping out with things like this. But to be able to help out and know exactly where your money is going, and witness this, is a magnificent example of sharing God's love with others. I am in love with this vision, as they are.
The vineyard is also sending groups down to New Orleans to help clean up some of the devastations of Katrina. I am also very excited about this and am planning on going April 9-14. If anyone else is interested let me know!! The cost is only $250, which really isnt bad at all. There are also trips March 3-10, March 19-25 (this one is $350), March 31-April 7.
So today has gotten progressively better. I hope it stays this way.
I love showing off my adorable cousins... here are 2 more .. (different ones than the last blog).
EMMA RAE (9 mo.)...

and.. HANNAH MARIE... (3 yrs)

They are gorgeous children.
k bye :)
Thursday, February 22, 2007
foes and parties
So I find out in a few weeks if I got into the Christ hospital nursing please pray that I make it in!!! I've been back and forth about wanting to get in and have decided that it relaly would be a great opportunity and really want to get in!! I'm really scared that I won't.. so I'm trying not to get my hopes up.
Also... my parents are going out of town this week and I've been thinking about maybe having people over like next friday (march 2nd?).. not that I cant have people over when there here, but this way its easier to plan. I may actually have to babysit friday... so we'll see. What do you all think? Is anyone free next friday?
This is kinda a lame update but I just dont feel like expounding at this time.
countdown to baby "O" Bird: 10-11 weeks!!
Monday, January 29, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
love you!
Monday, January 15, 2007
God is still answering prayers
This morning it was like my life stopped inside my head. All my whining and stress and complaining about stupid petty things went away for a few hours. I'm so stessed and focused on the most trivial things. I make this life seem so much harder htan it is sometimes.
I kinda mentioned this at bible study last night but I feel like ive gotten so much more cynical the past year or so... well i guess its been about 2 years now... I think it kinda started when I went to Israel. But anyway... I hate it. I feel like I've lost the joy that I once had and I don't know how to get it back. I really dont know where to start. Well i know it partly has some to do with me becoming more self-consumed. I dont know if anyone else has noticed it but I have.. I've been more infocused.. instead of outfocused on other people and things. I of course care about the people close to me... I guess I'm thinking about the people I dont know... the friends I could have.. the experiences I'm missing from not opening up to people I dont know yet. I remember being so happy and so full of joy when I was younger. But "ignorance is bliss" sometimes.. and innocence. Like I said last night.. I hope this is a phase. But I fear that its not because I dont think I'll ever forget the events/people that have helped this cynicism get worse the past 2 years. I guess thats an issue of forgiveness? I dont know.
I just thank God for healing my grandma today. I want to go see her so bad but I didnt want to see her like she was today. I lose hope sometimes. And I know that if her health did get worse... or if it does continue to do so.. I konw that doesnt mean that GOd isnt there or he isnt listening. But him healing her for today does give me that encouragement I need to kick me in the butt for feeling at all hopeless.
So thanks again for the prayers. They work.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
As far as life outside of school... not too exciting. I don't hate my job right now. I think for now I'm gonna hold out until I really do get a stable job in a hospital or something..before I quit. But I'd still work at the orthodontist if I took that bakery job too. Its pretty sad that the most exciting part of my week is anticipating and watching Grey's anatomy and the office on thursday night. Nobody should be this excited to watch a tv show. I'm such a loser... but then again so is 80% of the US... everyone loves Grey's! Its like the flu or something... the excitemtn is contagious. OK now I'm talking about it too much.
Well Grey's isnt my only excitment... every day I get a little more syked about Baby Bird!! We only have like 3-3.5 months left to wait!! I love babies :)
I hope you all are well. Love you dearly.