Okay, so obviously i have been very discontented about not konwing what to do with my future. Last week I finished my applications for CCU... a few days later i was having 2nd thoughts... the money issue was sort of pushing me towards Temple Baptist college (even though CCu really isnt too bad for me financially)... then yesterday I was thinking possibly YWAM discipleship program in Mexico... yes, i am freaking all over the place. As of today, after talking with a good friend that had some great advice, it made me decide to stay with my initial decision at CCU. I guess I sort of combined YWAM with CCu in my head... i would love to go to a different country and do some sort of ministry. So why not take some urban ministry programs at CCu (which require internships) , see how I like it and discover how things go from there. That way I would be getting college education (my mothers #1 concern- understandably) and be heading toward doing something I have a passion for- which of course is what people go to college for mostly in the first place.. but i just happened to put all the pieces together in my head [finally] i guess (for now). I also have some different ideas of minors if I do decide to go that ministry route... but I choose to not disclose that information at this time due to my indecisive nature. So, considering how my mind changes every day or so, I guess I'll let you know how things are going later. Hopefully I dont change it again bc this feels pretty good right now.
I'm such a slacker. I said i would start a memory verse for the week. THIS week's is:
Now to HIM who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us.
Ephesians 3:20
That actually reminds me of my favorite quote:
"With your true heart devoted to HIm, just watch and see that what is gives is exactly what we truly wanted but dared not dream to ask for."
-cab :)
i love you
OH hey... please remember my brother and his friends in your prayers this week. He is in Jamaica until saturday or sunday i believe, with a group from Landmark church. i adore my brother. He is so great.
The Rest of Reckoning – Part 2
1 week ago
i decided that you think too much...you need another hobby.
ccu is a great school (i am not biased) - relax already. i love you.
ditto to what carol said!!!
and i love you too!!!
BTW GREAT VERSE =) hahahaha
Don't let my sisters get on you like that.... ask them how they made the same decisions you are making... it hasn't been that long ago for them.... but then maybe it has...;)
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