I just poured my heart out in a long post about KHO and other junk and it all erased before my eyes.... a little frusterating to put it lightly.
So here I attempt again...
KHo was a lot of fun and I wish we were still there. It was a lot of hard work but i expected it bc we went 2 years ago. I cant say i was so totally excited to work on a roof in 100 degree weather, sweating like my face was a foucet. But i didnt not like working. It was such a great feeling knowing what we were doing for these people that couldnt afford it and how much they appreciated it. Thank God nobody got seriously hurt or fell off any roofs. I did get over a thousand splinters but I will heal. Last week took a lot of patience though. Last time I was here I was a sophomore in HS so i was sort of in the middle of the age groups. This year I was one of the oldest. It was weird. The youngest in our group was 12. She was pretty clumsy and all over the place and at the start of the week i was really irritated. BUt throughout the week I realized that she is only 12 and has a lot of growing up to do... but dont we all. And I really liked her by the end bc she was so funny.
Before coming I kept comparing this camp to the one we went to 2 years ago. Then we had like 15 girls and this year we had 5. But I loved it. The girls taht came were probably the group with the least amount of drama that could have come. We had a lot of fun and had some good discussionns. We used the video camera to heighten our entertainment at times. Pimp juice is goood.
Whenever I go to kho or 24God I fall in love.. with the people, the places, the Spirit, the ministry, the feeling. SOme were trying to convince me (its not that hard to) that i should apply to be a kho intern next year. How awesome would that be! A whole summer of ministry and hard work! I ran taht IDEA by my mom today and she shot it down. The interns get about 35cents an hour i think. But its not about the money at all! Its about the ministry. I get so frusterated with my mom sometimes... she is so closed minded. Her thinking is that i should stay home next summer, get a job (she;s thinking the one i have right now, with her) and save up money for college and a possibly a car. I understand her thinking, but i would like her to be a little more open. Who cares about the money! I am finally starting to have faith that money will come if and when i need it. We talked about college too and it comes up frequently about me possibly taking a semester offf (NEXT semester) if mission trips work out or whatever and she hates the idea. Education is the MOST important thing. I understand taht, but at the same time I am thinking i can always go to college, i cant always travel and do what i want. I usually realize it is dumb to argue over this stufff so early and end the discussion...it will come back up later in life if it comes to it.
So KHO... I didnt have any major revelations or anything. But it did help me in seeing the sincerety of people's faith. Over the past few months I have become very cynical about things and noticed how fake people are in their spiritual walks and it really discouraged me. Its like i went through a spiritual depression or something. I didnt know how to pray anymore, i had little or no desire to read the word and i didnt know how to get out of the rut i had dug myself. I am now learning peace and my bitterness is deteriorating. Peace has come more this week than i realized until i got home. Peace about friends moving, some college stuff, bitterness. Its such a great feeling. I didnt even pray for it. It just came. God knows me in and out and sent peace at just the right time.
College... Ive taken some advice and breathed. I am going to CCU... urban ministry major? I dont know if I'll stay there 4 years, but I'll take my time and see how 1st semester goes.
My dad mentioned yestereday that he doesnt like the idea of me making that drive downtown so much but he has to let go sometime. My mom really doenst mind the drive... she says not to worry about him, he'll get over it. But whast cool is my grandparents knew this older gentlemen that lived in price hill but he passed away last year leaving this lady, that my gparents watch over, his house. (The cool part...) Its a 2 story house with a rentable apt for the top level that needs a lot of work, but its a nice house and my sister adn her hub are thinking about buying it! That would solve a lot bc i could stay with them throughout the week and not have to drive so far to school when the semester starts up! Yes it is a very selfish motive of mine for them to buy this house. Otherwise I dont want them to move bc right now they only live 5 minutes away.
And Cheryl, if youralls house sells maybe you could rent out the top apt if my sis buys that house! It is 2 bedroom...
I live in a fairytale world...
We'll see how all that goes.
Proverbs 26:11
As dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.
The Rest of Reckoning – Part 2
1 week ago
1 comment:
sounds like is a great idea...mooch from others as much as possible!!
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